A decade ago, after his board completed the sale of his successful public company, Larry set out to find his next identity. To consider his alternatives, Larry headed for the river to fly fish and ponder his future.

The river asked for help.

Larry's subsequent planning led him to create a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) providing significant tax savings and, more importantly, a pool of charitable funds that were easy to manage. Like a true CEO, Larry created an impact plan for his DAF that would benefit western watersheds including, notably, the Klamath River.

Larry intends his DAF to be impactful in the present and for generations to come. Similar to an endowment, Larry recommends grants of only a percentage of the DAF's value each year. The remaining funds generate earnings for the future, and his daughters will eventually continue the tradition of making grant recommendations.

"Creating a Donor Advised Fund is a no-brainer. It's simple, efficient and allows me to give based on TU's needs, not current tax consequences."