As a scrappy little tomboy growing up on Colorado's West Slope, Lulu spent summers along Marvine Creek and Lakes, exploring the backwoods on horseback and learning about nature as only a curious kid with endless hours can do.

Over the next several decades, Lulu noticed Colorado's watersheds were degrading through poor or careless land management, especially in mining and ranching. Not one to sit idly by, Lulu patiently teaches and passionately crusades for all stakeholders to respect the land and water they depend on.

It was probably natural that Lulu would incorporate her passion for clean mountain streams into her financial planning. She found that a Charitable Gift Annuity achieved both her personal and philanthropic goals at the same time.

"I was able to provide for my own needs and protect and restore the wild mountain waters I love with a charitable gift annuity. I have income for life and the knowledge that cold, clean waters will thrive for future generations."